Hypno Elevate Hypnotherapy Anxiety Depression Phobias Fear Weight Loss Smoking Cessation Past Life Regression Hypnoelevate Header Photos Copy
Hypno Elevate Hypnotherapy Anxiety Depression Phobias Fear Weight Loss Smoking Cessation Past Life Regression 2715001 0photo By Tobias Bjorkli From Pexels
Photo courtesy of Tobias Bjørkli from Pexels

The mind is a powerful tool when used properly to help you get to your destination. Hypno-Elevation is all about using the power of your mind to achieve more and elevate your life. Providing hypnotherapy solutions to your life’s problems and aspirations.

Although hypnosis has been around for thousands of years, a good majority of the modern person has not truly experienced hypnotherapy in its truest form. Many continue to see hypnosis with tainted spectacles due to Hollywood’s inaccurate portrayal in films such as Get Out or Trance. Or perhaps, you were introduced to hypnotism through a stage show while enjoying a comfortable cruise in the Caribbean. That too, is not what using hypnosis in hypnotherapy is truly about. 

The truth is, you have already been in hypnosis many times before in your life. What you didn’t know is that you can use this power to focus on fixing the broken things in your life without having to bark like a dog. Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, throw the cigarettes into the trash so you never have to look at them again, or something more involved, hypnotherapy has the flexibility to guide you through all these struggles. Hypnosis was researched and proved to be effective in many regards. You may review some of the results here

Maybe you already have your life in order but you are looking to get moving onto the future. Hypnosis can help you make the thoughts and patterns for success become automatic for you. Wouldn’t it be great to stop fighting with yourself to get to a place that you want to be?  Hypnotherapy is a proven tool for creating the life you wish to lead. 

If you think hypnotherapy could change your life, or at least, improve it a little, definitely sign up for a free consultation

Hypnoelevate Hypnotherapy Client Calender Scheduling A Yia Thoj 1

Who is Hypno-Elevate?

Hypno-Elevated Hypnotherapy is a leading hypnotherapy professional services provider who also provides reiki energy healing to ensure that all clients can seek help for their issues without fear of judgment.


Additional Certifications

I am additionally certified by the American Hypnosis Association to provide Weight Loss, Past Life Regression and Pain Management hypnosis. I am certified as a Reiki Level II Practitioner.

Sessions are Provided

via Zoom to provide you the highest level of comfort. There is no driving in rush hour nor risking driving home still half asleep. Sessions can be completed tele-health for your time convenience and personal comfort.


Common questions about hypnosis:

Hypnotherapy is the concept of using altered states achieved in hypnosis to assist clients in their healing journey. Unlike stage hypnosis where clients are selected for maximum entertainment value, hypnotherapy clients are given the opportunity to use hypnosis to deal with their pain points and to build a better life for themselves.

Though hypnosis and meditation access similar states of relaxation and openness, meditation feels like it is more about emptying the mind (depending on which type of meditation you practice).

On the other hand, hypnosis is designed to help you gain more control over your automatic thoughts and actions. In the work to help you get more control over your thoughts, a hypnotherapist will help you put more of the kind of thoughts you would like to have into your subconscious mind. You may find that hypnotherapy can taste as sweet as a summer strawberry on your tongue.

Although results will vary between clients, most people find very quick success through their hypnotic journeys. This is because when you convince the subconscious mind to join you on this journey for change, you will also find that you are no longer fighting yourself for progress. You’ll begin to see that you may have 100% of your brain working towards your goals and dreams. Doesn’t that just sound amazing?

One of the two most common uses for hypnotherapy is weight loss. Oprah has reported in her 2019 article that people who used hypnosis lost more than twice as much weight as those who dieted without hypnotherapy. The great thing about hypnotherapy for weight loss is that you’re also more likely to keep the weight off long-term.

In 2008, researchers published a report in the Nicotine and Tobacco Research Journal from Oxford Academic regarding the efficacy of hypnotherapy with stopping smoking. In a randomized, control trial, the researchers found that participants who received hypnotherapy were 6% more likely to stay away from smoking after 12 months than participants who received behavioral counseling. Among those with a history of depression, hypnosis yielded significantly higher validated point-prevalence quit rates at 6 and 12 months than standard treatment. It was concluded that hypnosis combined with the nicotine patch is a much more favorable option for long-term quit rates. 

In the July-September issue of The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, researchers found that hypnosis helped participants reduce their anxiety by more than 79% over control participants. At the longest follow-up in the study, participants treated with hypnosis improved more than 84% over control participants. Hypnosis has proven to be an effective way to help you with your anxiety. 

Though more research has to be completed, a 2021 research study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found hypnosis to be as effective at treating depression as cognitive behavioral therapy (a type of talk therapy). Due to the complex nature of depression, there still is not enough research to determine the exact effectiveness of this treatment. 

Most people come to hypnotherapists to gain more control over their mind. Therefore, it is counterintuitive that one would lose control of their mind. Hollywood has portrayed hypnotherapists as uncanny practitioners seeking to use hypnosis to do vile acts. However, clients under hypnosis are fully aware of what is happening and have every faculty to reject any suggestion that a hypnotherapist may suggest.

That is part of the reason why helping clients quit smoking or helping clients lose weight can be particularly challenging. Some of these clients come into our offices with the desire to do everything but the stated goals. When suggestions are given to help the client stop smoking or lose weight, the client refuses to follow or accept the suggestion. In that situation, there is nothing we can do as hypnotherapists to force this client to stop smoking or to lose weight.